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File Converter
Convert your files to any format
300+ formats supported
We support more than 25600 different conversions between more than 300 different file formats. More than any other converter.
Fast and easy
Just drop your files on the page, choose an output format and click "Convert" button. Wait a little for the process to complete. We aim to do all our conversions in under 1-2 minutes.
In the cloud
All conversions take place in the cloud and will not consume any capacity from your computer.
Custom settings
Most conversion types support advanced options. For example with a video converter you can choose quality, aspect ratio, codec and other settings, rotate and flip.
Security guaranteed
We delete uploaded files instantly and converted ones after 24 hours. No one has access to your files and privacy is 100% guaranteed. Read more about security.
All devices supported
Convify is browser-based and works for all platforms. There is no need to download and install any software.